It’s time to sign up for health insurance. Here’s what to know about your options in NH.

Nov. 1 is the start of the annual open enrollment period, when people without employer-sponsored health insurance can shop for subsidized coverage on the individual marketplace.

The New Hampshire Insurance Department says premiums for 2024 plans are up about 4% on average. But that doesn’t necessarily mean consumers will pay more.

While some plans’ premiums are up, others are down. And most people on the individual market qualify for federal subsidies, which can offset increases in premiums.

“Going into 2024, people are probably looking at a flat, to maybe lower costs, in their plans year over year, which is actually

It’s time to sign up for health insurance. Here’s what to know about your options in NH. Read More

52% health insurance owners say premium gone up by over 25% in 12 months | Personal Finance

There has been a slight improvement for health insurance policyholders in India, but significant concerns remain. While the percentage of people facing premium increases exceeding 25 per cent has dropped from 62% in 2022 to 52% in 2024, many are still grappling with rising costs, revealed a survey by LocalCircles.

This trend can be traced back to 2022, when insurance companies heavily increased premiums in anticipation of another major COVID wave. These high double-digit increases have continued for the past two years, leaving policyholders feeling burdened.


52% health insurance owners say premium gone up by over 25% in 12 months | Personal Finance Read More